Middleton Road, Oswestry,
Shropshire. SY11 2RB

01691 655844
Lines Open 8:00am - 6:00pm Mon - Fri
For Life-Threatening Emergencies Call 999

There are lots of resources and help out there for carers of people with mental health issues. Here are some that may be useful:
The Royal College of Psychiatrists have produced a series of helpful guides to various problems and disorders.
The NHS has produced a toolkit to provide clear information for carers, service users, service providers and commissioners about how carers of people who use secure mental health services should be engaged with, supported, involved and empowered.
Rethink (a mental health charity) have a Carer's Hub which has lots of useful information in.
MIND also have many resources for those helping a person with mental health issues.
Choice and Medication gives information on mental health conditions and the medication used to treat them, and potential alternative treatments.
Locally there is a Mental Health Active Carers Group which meets in Shrewsbury. Contact active.carers@gmail.com
Rights under the Mental Health Act are summarised here.
For people coping with a pleural mesothelioma diagnosis, there are resources here.