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Door Opening Hours:

8:30am – 6:00pm

8:30am – 6:00pm

8:30am – 6:00pm

8:30am – 6:00pm

8:30am – 6:00pm










New Patient?

Lines Open 8:00am - 6:00pm Mon - Fri

Face to Face Appointments

During the pandemic, we have made several changes to our appointments to ensure that our patients receive the care they need and that we keep our patients and staff as safe as possible from transmission within the surgery.​

While we are still making more use of telephone and video consultations than before the pandemic, which saves patients from unnecessary journeys to the surgery as well as providing protection to our more vulnerable patients, every day we have bookable face to face appointments as well as protected appointment slots so that our clinicians will always see in person every patient that they think needs to be seen face to face.


​Thank you for your understanding.

Shortage of blood bottles

A supplier to the NHS has advised us of a global shortage of some equipment used for taking blood tests. 

Anyone who needs a test for urgent health problems will still get one, but where your clinician recommends that it’s safe to do so, then you may be asked to come back for a test at a later date, or your appointment may be rescheduled.


Given the nature of the shortage, we cannot give an exact date for when the test will be rescheduled, but please be assured that if your condition or symptoms require it, then you will get a test, and we will be re-booking your test when supplies become more easily available.

Further information will be posted on Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) and Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin Integrated Care System (ICS) websites as it becomes available.

We apologise for any disruption this causes.

COVID-19 Vaccination Status (Passport) Information


From 17 May, people in England who have had a full course of the COVID-19 vaccine will be able to demonstrate their COVID-19 vaccination status for international travel. A full course is currently two doses of any approved vaccine.

Please do not contact your GP surgery or the place where you were vaccinated about your COVID-19 vaccination status.

GPs cannot provide letters showing your COVID-19 vaccination status.


People can prove their vaccination status: 


1.    NHS app – if you have a smart phone or tablet, you can download the NHS app by searching for ‘NHS App' in your app store. Please note this is different from the NHS COVID-19 app. Once you have downloaded the app, you will need to create an account. You can find help and information on what you need to do  here. 

To use the NHS App, you must: 

  • Be registered with a GP in England

  • Be over the age of 13 (if you are aged 13-15, you will need to contact your GP surgery to request GP online services access before you can use the app) 

We recommend that you download the app prior to booking your international holiday, and at least two weeks before your departure date. 


2.    Online via the NHS website – more details to follow


3.    On request by calling NHS 119 - If you do not have access to a smart phone or the internet and you know the country you wish to travel to will need to know your vaccination status on entry, you can call 119 and ask for them to send you a letter in the post.


This must be at least five working days after you have had your vaccine, and letters will take up to five working days to reach you. Make sure you leave yourself plenty of time to sort this if you are travelling abroad. 


Your letter will be sent to the address your GP has recorded for you; the call handler will not be able to see your address to check this for you. If you have moved house, please update your GP with your new home address before calling 119. 

Register with Practice

Anyone can register with a GP surgery. It's free to register. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number.

Firstly, please check you are within our Practice boundary (see map of Practice area).  The Reception Staff can assist you to complete the necessary forms.  It would be helpful if you have your NHS Number (which is on your Medical Card) with you.  If you can't find your Medical Card don't worry as we can still register you.  We will try to help you see the Doctor of your choice but this is not always possible.


When you do register, you will be asked to complete a simple health questionnaire which gives us routine information about your past medical history.  You will also be invited to make an appointment with one of our Nursing Team for a New Patient Health Check.

Need help finding your NHS Number?

If you are registered with a GP practice, you will already have an NHS Number, a unique 10 digit code.


A service is available on the NHS.UK website to receive a reminder of your NHS number.

You should also be able to find your NHS Number on any letter or document you have received from the NHS, including prescriptions, test results, and hospital referral or appointment letters.

Help Us Keep The Surgery Safe

You must only come into the building if you have an appointment, you are making a delivery, or you are collecting something.


You must not enter the building if you have any Coronavirus symptoms, unless we have invited you here. You should stay at home and get yourself tested via the NHS website or by phoning 119.


All queries should be dealt with by telephone or online (via econsult for example)


When you are in the building, please maintain social distancing. Do not attend with unnecessary people, attend at your allotted time and leave the building promptly when you have finished.


If you have your own mask, please wear it.


If we tell you to wait in your car then please do so, but ensure you phone to say you are there.

For your protection we advise YOU to do the following:


Use face coverings

Make use of the hand sanitiser that is available

Ensure that you adhere to the social distancing guidelines

Have minimal face to face contact with others


In return WE will do the following for you:


Triage all face-to-face contacts to enable the safest possible care.

Wear PPE for all face-to-face encounters.

Be scrupulous with hygiene.

Provide screens between you and non-clinical staff.

New pregnancy care service launched at Shropshire’s acute hospitals

A new way for women and their families across the region to keep track of their pregnancy journey is to be rolled-out at the Royal Shrewsbury and Princess Royal hospitals. Please click here for more details

 Shropshire Council Resources are available on their website including:

  • Testing facilities, including lateral flow tests for families with school age children.

  • Vaccination information for unpaid carers

  • Financial support for families, including free school meals

Use the right service 10.01.18.jpg

Use of GP data for planning and research

We understand there has been considerable public debate about this use of your GP data. Please see our privacy notice for a full explanation and the information below.

Plas Ffynnon Medical Centre,

Middleton Road, Oswestry,

Shropshire. SY11 2RB

For Life-Threatening Emergencies Call 999
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